What is, and what has been our witness?

Is our witness of God’s power to save sin sick souls from sin, from the power of sin, and from death? Many souls are dying, they are not in the arms of Christ; but in the bondage of sin, of Satan, their lives snuffed out by a lifetime of choices; snuffed out by the demonsContinue reading “What is, and what has been our witness?”

Prove it

In the beginning, we see the two groups of people from then to today, through to the end of this world represented by Abel and Cain: They who love God; they who love death. Abel and Cain were tested just as we are today whether we will obey God and believe or not. Abel byContinue reading “Prove it”

The Gulf Between the Rich and Poor

Read Luke 16:19-31. In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, Christ shows that in this life men decide their eternal destiny. During probationary time the grace of God is offered to every soul. But if men waste their opportunities in self-pleasing, they cut themselves off from everlasting life. No after-probation will be grantedContinue reading “The Gulf Between the Rich and Poor”